This form is ONLY for students in these services: Individual Package or Essentials Package. DO NOT complete/submit if you are not already enrolled in one of these services.

Please read and complete this form carefully. The information you provide on this form will be used to provide students and parents with helpful feedback, guidance, and recommendations on application tasks via a written report, which will review together at your “Apply List Review” meeting.

Recommendations on your Apply List Feedback Report are developed with two main goals in mind:

  1. having ample college options to choose from come spring of senior year

  2. maximizing the potential for your financial aid offers

Guidance is based on information from you, so it is IMPORTANT that you be as accurate and complete as possible. This also helps to eliminate back and forth communications due to missing information. (I’d rather be focusing on quality guidance for you, than to repeatedly request information from you.)

I strongly advocate applying to a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 16 campuses, and this is the reason why 16 campus spaces are provided. And yes, each UC campus is counted individually.

Looking forward to working with you next at your Apply List Review meeting. I’ll be reaching out to you individually for scheduling, based on the order in which I receive your Apply List submission.


PS Reminder: I also need an updated copy of your transcript, one that includes 2nd semester junior year grades.